Steve and Matt Bourie, from the American Casino Guide, discuss how to be a guaranteed winner in a casino - even if you know nothing! They explain one easy me.
The casino… a favorite college pass time. Before heading off to Vegas, Foxwoods, a Native American reservation, international waters, or Canada here are some tips that will ensure you have at least a half chance of doubling your money:
Play Little
The basics behind ever casino is statistics. The more you play, the more your chances of losing money. Casinos will not mind if you win some of their money because on average they will win
Play Smart
Play only games that have high odds. Some games will rape you over in unfair odds. Here is a basic guide:
How To Win Big At Casino
Blackjack: Every time you play Blackjack you have almost a 50% chance of winning. In Blackjack, you try to add up your card values so they are close to 21, but do not go over. Aces can be worth either 1 or 11 and face cards are worth ten. You play against the dealer and not other players. The way the casino wins is if they tie your score or if you bust (you get more than 21).
Roulette: Roulette gives you a 47.3% chance of doubling your money if you bet on reds, blacks, evens, or odds. It is a much more exciting game than that however. You place bets on any one number (1 in 36 chance of winning); any two, three, or four touching numbers; any column of numbers; and more. There are so many types of bets in roulette that it will be sure to keep your interest up. A ball will land on a random number and if you chose that number or if it is red/black, odd/even, whatever you bet on…you win!
Poker: Any poker game in a casino where you play against other players and not the dealer is generally a good idea. The casino takes in a specific amount of money from every winning hand called a rake and in return you do not have to play against their odds. No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em is my personal favorite, but there are dozens of different types of poker games available so find a table and just ask how to play if you are unsure.

1. If you are unsure about something, ask the dealer. They are generally very nice people.
2. Tip your dealer. If you tip your dealer they will be more willing to help you. Plus, it is just common courtesy. (Note: Do not expect the dealer to go easy on you or cheat for you. That stuff may only fly in Chinatown)
3. If you go to a big casino-hotel ask for a comp card and use it at every game. What it does is track your wins/losses so just in case you lose a lot or even if you just play a lot, you will probably get a lot of free gifts from the casino.
4. Talk to your fellow gamblers and have a good time.
5. Do not drink too much. It will impede your judgment and you will end the night buying Patron tequila shots for the entire table and out a few thousand dollars.
6. Have fun!
When it comes to casinos and gambling, we see all sorts of players. Some play for recreation and fun, while others make a living out of it. Some have no idea whatsoever they are doing and merely spend time and money to keep playing, and if they get any rewards, that is mere luck. But others are serious about their game, and for making money, online casinos are their sole source. They are determined to win. Losing even once makes such sort of gamblers restless. So, the question now is, can you really win if you want to? Or is it all only a matter of pure chance? Let’s see.
House Edge
The house edge is nothing but a rough statistic of what percentage of money spent by the players will be kept by the casino. Suppose the house edge is 2.5%. It means 97.5% of the funds received by the casino are returned to the players as rewards. This part given back to the players is called ‘Return to Player’ or RTP. But you can never say who gets less and who gets more or to put it practically, who loses more and who wins a jackpot. The House edge and RTP are not fixed all the time or in all places. Different games have different values, and various casinos may provide them differently. So, choose wisely. However, one thing is for sure; you have a higher chance to get more from the casino/game that offers a higher RTP than the one offering lower percentages. Go for the high RTP games and casinos if you are thinking of making money online. Casinos with low RTPs will not help that much.
How To Win In Casinos
Luck, Skill and Strategy
All three are really important. These are the factors that drive almost any game in a casino. It may be any one of these or all three. Some games are purely dependant on luck, while others require skill and strategizing.
What implications does this information have for you as a gambler? It simply means that if you choose a game of luck, then your strategy or skill don’t matter much. For instance, you may choose to play the roulette or some slots. In roulette, you have no control of the rotating wheel. You cannot know in advance where it is going to stop, and you cannot practise any skill in making it stop at the number you have wagered on. The only thing you can do is just wait and see. The game of slots is similar in terms of odds; you can never tell beforehand at what symbols the reels are going to stop.
Then there are the games of skill. When you say you are skilled in a game, it means that you know some methodology or knack by which you can turn the game in your favour. It is possible with games that depend on skill and strategy. Poker is perhaps the best example of a skill-based game. It doesn’t mean that there is no place for luck here, but your actions also can play a great role in deciding the outcomes. With your skill and strategy, you can even compensate for some bad luck in the game. Perhaps the best way to make money at a casino is to choose skill-based games, such as poker, or some similar card game, and be really good at it. If you are seriously looking for ways of how to make money at the casino, then you need to play and practice consistently, gain experience and knowledge in the nooks and corners of the game, become confident in it, develop strategies using your skills and then compete with others. If you’re more skilled than your counterparts, you will see yourself winning most of the time, which can’t happen much with the games of luck.
Sometimes the reason for consistent failures could be that we don’t play enough. Heard of the rule that in any new venture, you have to lose some initially to start collecting the benefits eventually? The same rule applies here. Play regularly if you plan to win big. You may lose consistently at the beginning, but then comes the moment when you win totally out of the blue. Don’t forget about the volatility criterion, a measure of the frequency and size of rewards provided by a game or machine. If you play slots and don’t win many times in a row, don’t be disappointed. It could be a high-volatility machine, which means that there won’t be frequent wins, but when there is a win, it is a big one. If you understand such concepts, you can plan your bankroll accordingly and reap the benefits.
You may win or lose at a casino, but from the above discussion, it is clear that you can have more wins if you do your homework and come to a casino well-prepared. While you can lose when you don’t have a proper plan, to make money online, casinos and gambling are still a suitable option.
How To Really Win Money At The Casinos
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