Your knowledge is worth money
Nurse practitioners can sometimes earn extra income outside of the clinical setting by applying their knowledge to produce written content. Medical writing is a broad category that encompasses research papers, medicine-related news articles, content for health care websites, journal abstracts, and more.
Did you write textbook summaries or notes? Sell your study documents on Stuvia and earn money with your knowledge!
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Create a sellers account in under a minute, set the price for your documents and start uploading!
How much does a seller earn at Stuvia?
€76Average earnings per month
A seller at Stuvia can earn from a few tenners to a couple of hundred dollars a month
€4,35Average earnings per sold document
Every study document can be sold indefinitely
17Average sold documents per month
Your documents are being sold from early in the morning until late at night. During the week and at the weekends.
3Average number of days until the first sale is made
After your study document has been uploaded, the Stuvia marketing machine will start working for you immediately
Start selling todayStuvia offers an easy and quick way to turn all your hard work into real cash during your busy student life. Also, your study material keeps its value for a long period of time, which enables you to make money off you old college notes and study guides after having graduated for years.
Experiences from the Stuvia Community
Spitsanne - Business AdministrationI am a first year student in business administration. I was often looking for a brief explanation of certain concepts from my previous study and through Google I ended up at Stuvia. I found out that many fellow students, also from other study programs and schools, were looking for summaries for their exams. I already made summaries and shared them with classmates in the past and I always got good responses. So I thought that other students might also be interested in my summaries. This way I help other students and earn a nice contribution myself. Mainly I save this money to buy something big. However, of course, I did purchase a number of items of clothing after the first payouts I received.
How To Earn Money As A Nurse
mikaeldavid2020 - MedicineWhen I went to study medicine I had some difficulty with preparing for my admission test. After passing the test, I decided to use my knowledge and creativity to create practice questions for future students who also want to study medicine. The first year turned out to be an unexpected success, which led me to double the number of practice questions the next year to really help students as best as I can in their preparation. Whenever someone asks a question about the preparation, I help them (free of charge). It takes a lot of time, but it generates even more energy and that's why I do it. In only two year, I turned over 14.000 dollar on Stuvia.
IrisAshmira - LawI started studying Law back in 2014 and continued to do a Master's degree in Law as well. Last year I got my master's degree and eventhough I finished law school, I still sell my summaries and notes on Stuvia. I have always put a lot of time in them and they're still relevant nowadays for other Law students. I used the earnings to buy for half a plaine ticket once. Also, when I used to be short in cash as a student, I used the money to go shopping, pay my rent or order take-away.
MTeaching - LawI am a Law Student at King’s College London (KCL) with an aspiration to be a transnational commercial lawyer at a top global firm. I ended up finding Stuvia when I found that so many students were looking for concise and perfect notes and essays in the main A-Level subjects and I had these just collecting metaphorical dust on my computer. So as soon as I found how easy it was to sell on Stuvia, with copying the ISBN and adding it to a book, the units being already there, the creation of bundles and so much more it was really a no brainer! I personally found that when you have the perfect notes to study from I can boost my own grades. So I always make my notes with that in mind, using concise and beneficial analysis, contemporary examples and diagrams where it will be best to use.
How does it work?
Did you write summaries of your textbooks while preparing for an exam? Or did you write notes each class? You can now earn money with your knowledge. Well-written summaries receive great reviews. Resulting in more sales and higher earnings.
Create your personal study store
Create a free sellers account, set the price of your documents and upload them on Stuvia. That's it! Help others with your knowledge while earning money.
1. You’re the boss
You always retain ownership of your documents. Buyers only have the rights to read your work for personal use. It’s forbidden for them to distribute your work to others.
2. Be found
Write a catchy title and solid description of your documents, so buyers can easily find your summaries online - such as Google for example.
3. Set the best price
You set the price for your study notes and documents. You can even make discounted bundles of your top summaries to attract even more buyers.
4. Use the Stuvia Network
As soon as your documents are online, we include them on the right Stuvia pages that are search traffic optimized. We also send notifications to members interested in your field of study.
5. Score top reviews
Improve your online reputation by getting high scoring reviews. This is a great way to generate more sales.
6. Earn money from each summary
Some documents sell hundreds of times. Once your documents are on Stuvia, your work is done. Sit back, relax and start making money!
Create your personal study store
Create a free sellers account, set the price of your documents and upload them on Stuvia. That's it! Help others with your knowledge while earning money.
What can you sell on Stuvia?
All of your written study documents can be sold on Stuvia, including:
Ich entschied mich für meine Studie Materialien Stuvia zu verkaufen, weil ich meine Kunden den Inhalt, wann immer sie wollen, bekommen möchten, ohne aktiv etwas zu tun.
Ich begann meine Arbeit in Stuvia verkaufen, weil ich, dass viele meiner Klassenkameraden bemerkt konnte nicht sammeln und studieren alle Informationen, die sie in der Klasse gelernt hatte. Als ich ausgebildet wurde dies in der High School zu tun, entschied ich mich, um Hilfe von meiner Klasse Notizen bieten und etwas Geld für die medizinische Schule zu machen.
Let’s startAverage annual earnings
Since we started Stuvia in 2010
Frequently asked questions
You set your own price per document with a minimum amount of €2.50. The more documents you sell, the more you earn. Some documents are sold more than a hundred times. Find tips on how to sell the most here.
Nothing! You create a free account and post your work to Stuvia without further costs. cost. We take a small commission each time you sell a summary. The commission will be automatically deducted, so you don’t have to worry about any hidden costs after your payout.
We transfer your earned money into your Stuvia account right after you’ve sold a document. Once you’ve earned over €10 , you can cash out. We transfer this money every Monday so you can decide when you want to be paid. You can also use this credit to buy study material for yourself!
There are a number of things to consider when writing a good summary without violating copyright. For example, you are not allowed to copy texts literally but you are allowed to quote them. You must make correct citations when doing this.
Would you like to be sure that you meet the copyright requirements? Stuvia has a helpful checklist for just that, which can be found here.
How To Earn Money Online As A Nurse Jobs
Nurse practitioners are commonly tasked with coordinating care for patients of all ages. They play a vital role in the healthcare industry and have many opportunities for advancement in their field.
There is also plenty of room for financial growth within the nurse practitioner (NP) position. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the lowest 10 percent of earners within the field received an average salary of $76,830 in 2017. Qualified candidates who have the right mix of education and experience can pursue several paths to potentially increase their earnings.
The Nurse Practitioner Profession at a Glance
There is a serious shortage of nursing talent in many areas of the U.S., which has made the role of NPs more essential than ever. They’re being counted upon as leaders through this shortage, and this level of responsibility could translate to increased salary. There will be plenty of growth opportunities for NPs in the coming years: The BLS predicts a 36 percent job growth rate in the nurse practitioner field between 2016 and 2026, which is substantially greater than the 7 percent projected growth rate for the average occupation during the same time frame.
According to BLS, the 2017 median annual salary for a nurse practitioner was about $103,880. BLS also reports that the highest 10 percent of earners in the field received around $145,630. Nurse practitioner wages depend on several factors, such as the geographic location of the position. However, some of these factors are contingent upon a nurse practitioner’s willingness to take on challenging responsibilities and further develop his or her skill set.
Earn Money online, free Paypal
Nurse practitioners are commonly charged with a host of duties that are crucial to delivering high-quality care to patients. Those tasked with the role typically take patient histories, perform physical exams and diagnostic tests, prescribe medications, and educate patients on important lifestyle choices that impact their health. They can also provide primary and specialty care independently, although the actual range of their allowed medical duties varies from state to state. The specialty care they provide can service children, pregnant women, or senior citizens.
The finely-tuned skills of an NP can enable them to deliver high-quality care that may improve long-term patient outcomes. At the same time, these marketable skills can be fundamental for NPs to pursue roles that allow them to gravitate away from the average salary and toward the top tier in the field. There are several steps that highly skilled nurse practitioners can take to make the move toward this greater level of compensation.
1. Pursue Continuing Education or Additional Certifications
Nurse practitioners are required to have a master’s degree, and most states have licensing and certification requirements that nurses must meet. However, nurse practitioners can set themselves apart by pursuing certification in a specific area within the field.
For instance, the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists offers certification opportunities for nurses specializing in administering anesthetics, while nurses specializing in pediatrics can attain certification from organizations such as the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board. Holding additional certifications may enable nurse practitioners to be available for a broader spectrum of patients, which may allow them to develop skills that serve as valuable assets to their employers.
These skills can also make nurse practitioners more marketable, should they decide to pursue positions outside of their current places of employment. If they work independently, these specialized skills may allow them to increase billing opportunities.
2. Explore New Areas of Nursing
Because nurse practitioners aren’t confined to one specific component of the medical field, it’s possible for skilled NPs to cultivate their skills and competencies in multiple areas within the industry. These areas can include pediatrics, urgent care, long-term or hospice care, and on-call duty. Exploring new areas may allow them to cultivate a broader scope of techniques and procedures and to use their prescriptive authorities on a more frequent basis, which could ultimately lead to a broader range of higher-paying positions.
It’s also possible for nurse practitioners to share their knowledge in a classroom setting. Nurse practitioners can often supplement their income by teaching in adjunct positions in either higher education institutions or local healthcare facilities.
Additionally, NPs may be able to earn more than average if they work in a state that authorizes them to prescribe medications. As a general rule of thumb, prescriptive NPs earn more than non-prescriptive NPs.
3. Gain Work Experience
As is the case with any typical business position, work experience can play a big role in the salary a nurse practitioner can expect to command. Savvy nurse practitioners can leverage their licensing and certification to take on more complex clinical responsibilities and pursue advanced roles within a clinical environment, such as nurse administrator. These roles can also allow nurse practitioners a greater chance to display skills that add value to their employment, such as leadership and the ability to efficiently manage fast-paced work environments.
Because experience often cultivates greater knowledge, veteran nurse practitioners tend to manage a patient workload more efficiently than newcomers. This greater speed may translate in turn to an increase in pay.
4. Negotiate Better Nursing Contracts
While nurse practitioners can earn a high salary, the way their employers pay them can differ from payment methods in other industries. For instance, healthcare organizations may provide compensation for a nurse practitioner’s time instead of paying a salary. If they do pay based on time, they may measure an NP’s productivity in relative value units, which could entail the nurse’s earning a percentage of monetary collections.
When it’s time to sign a contract with a healthcare organization, it’s important to bring a proactive approach to the pay negotiation process. This is especially the case for new nurse practitioners, who may be unfamiliar with the compensation structure of the position.
For example, it’s vital to find out specific details on how an organization pays its NPs. It’s also critical to have a firm grasp of the average regional salary the desired position commands in order to develop an understanding of fair market value. Asking about bonuses and bonus structure should also be an essential part of the negotiation process.
Finally, new nurse practitioners should be careful not to discuss specific salary numbers during the interview. Doing so may inadvertently tie them to a lower number than what the organization might have otherwise offered.
5. Produce Medical Writing
Nurse practitioners can sometimes earn extra income outside of the clinical setting by applying their knowledge to produce written content. Medical writing is a broad category that encompasses research papers, medicine-related news articles, content for health care websites, journal abstracts, and more. A writing practice provides a means to communicate information culled from healthcare’s evolving landscape to a wider audience, ranging from physicians and healthcare professionals to patients. It can be a lucrative side pursuit that nurse practitioners can undertake from their own homes.
Nurse practitioners must have a few competencies in place before they can get started as medical writers. They need to be able to use the written word to communicate scientific information and data in understandable terms that align with the sensibilities of their target markets. They must also possess a strong familiarity with medical concepts and terminology. Finally, it’s important to have a deep knowledge of the specific domains being covered, from pharmacology to statistics.
Learn More
Given the need for primary care providers increasing and the family nurse practitioner’s autonomy as an advanced practice provider, specializing as a family nurse practitioner is appealing for nurses and NPs who are trying to advance their careers. Regis College offers online Post-Master’s Nursing Certificate programs that prepare students to sit for a certification exam with a new, flexible learning format.
Recommended Reading:
What Are the Benefits of Nursing Certification?
Is Ambulatory Care Nursing For You?
How to Specialize in Nursing
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners
Melnic, “No Fear: How to Negotiate Your New Nurse Practitioner Starting Salary”, “If You’re a PA or an NP, This Is How to Improve Your Pay and Better Your Career”
NCBI, “How to Become a Competent Medical Writer?”, “Nursing Salaries Are on the Upswing”
Regis College, Nurse Practitioner
Regis College, Online Post-Master’s Certificates
U.S. News and World Report, “What is a Nurse Practitioner?”
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